Put a call on hold
Desktop Mobile To place a call on hold, select Hold at the top of your call window. You won’t see this option if you’re in a scheduled Teams meeting. Everyone on the call will be notified that they’ve been put on hold, and you can continue your call by selecting Resume. People on hold (including you) won’t be […]
Add someone to a call
When you’re already on a call, you might want to add someone new and create a group call. To add someone new to a group call, select Show participants in your call controls, then type their name or phone number in the search box.
Answer a call
Desktop Mobile When someone calls you, you’ll get a notification that lets you accept or decline the call. Select Accept with audio to answer with audio only. Select Accept with video to accept the call and enable video as well. Select Decline call to decline the call and go on with your day. When a call comes in to Teams, a […]
Calling from dial pad
Desktop Mobile Tab Title 3 The dial pad can be used like a typical phone to make a call to a phone number. (You can also type in names or groups.) To dial a number from Teams, go to Calls , and then enter the number of the person you want to reach by using the dial […]
Calling from Chat
Desktop Mobile You can make one-on-one or group calls with anyone in your organization directly from a chat without having to host a team meeting. These calls are private and won’t appear in any team conversation. Entries for the calls will appear in your chat, though. Go to your chat list and select New chat to start a […]
Overview: Evolve Voice & Text for Microsoft Teams
Evolve Voice is a easy way to make quick calls from Teams to any phone number nationwide. You can have person-to-person voice calls or voice calls with several people via conference calling. While Teams meetings are a great way to collaborate in Teams with other teams users, everyone does not use Teams and thus being […]
Transfer a call
Transfer a call Desktop Mobile Transfer your one-on-one calls in Teams. When you’re in a call, select More actions > Transfer in your call controls. Start typing the name of the person you want to transfer the call to and select them when they appear. If they’re in your org and using Teams or Skype for Business, turn on Ring back if there’s no answer to […]
Make calls
First things to know about making calls in Teams There are two different types of calls that can be made from Teams Calls to other Teams users Calls to everyone else via PSTN calling plan 1. Calls to other Teams users. Wherever you are in Teams, you can start a call with someone (or a […]
Teams Support

This section provides detailed instructions for making calls and sending/receiving text messages using Evolve Cellular’s Voice and Text services within Microsoft Teams. For more specific topics, refer to the menu on the left.