The Graceful Evolution of the Voice Service Layer

The Evolve IMS product line provides high quality, high availability multiprotocol network solutions for use in your network Services. Our solutions make IMS, VoLTE, VoNR, VoWifi and VoIP infrastructure work to provide services for every generation of communication network.​

With the acquisition of IMSWorkX™ full product portfolio and staff in 2023, Evolve Cellular is proud to include these best-in-class applications for communications providers to our offering.​

 The XpressWorkX Application Server is the most flexible and robust Telephony Application Server (TAS), providing call establishment and anchoring of VoLTE calls. ​

The IMSWorkX solution is the perfect platform for Service Centralization and Continuity (SCC). With both IMS and GSM protocols to talk to your MSC, MME and other network equipment; this solution can help you achieve any voice requirements ​

Our platform features:​