As an MNO, Evolve upgrades the Private 4G/5G network to a Hybrid 4G/5G Public network with the same user experience on and off the island. ​

Add a GSMA-certified, Public VoLTE-compliant network​ to existing broadband infrastructure:

Not just a Smartphone​

Enhance the corporate network with private LTE and RAN management to:

Evolve’s Private LTE

Mobile technologies have grown to all corners of the globe. For consumers, mobility is packaged in the form of smartphones and wireless broadband. For the enterprises, however, the use cases are broad and diverse. The sizes and shapes of the needed networks and devices vary as much as the companies themselves. Some companies need rock solid reliability, others need lightning speed, and still others need the lowest possible cost. There are no simple one-size-fits-all solutions.

There is an approach to Private LTE, however, that provides the best of all worlds. Evolve’s Private LTE gives you the flexibility to use as much or as little of our cloud-based LTE and IMS core as you need.  Here are just a few of the benefits you realize when selecting Evolve as your partner for Private-LTE:


Evolve will run the network for you. Our cloud-based solution allows us to deploy networks quickly and scale efficiently. Once the network is in place, Evolve will manage everything for you so you can concentrate on your business.


IMS networks (4G and 5G) have encryption and authentication built in from the ground up. Devices are locked down with SIM-based identity. Nothing gets on the network unless you permit it.


IMS provides service with little or no downtime. Mobile operators around the world have used IMS to provide reliable service for many years. You receive all the benefits of a mature reliable solution and none of the hassles of creating it.


Devices are completely mobile. They can operate anywhere on your private network and they can roam onto other networks as well. Unlike WiFi, or other wireless technologies where devices are disconnected when they leave the home network, Evolve devices can maintain connectivity globally.


You can keep devices connected for up to 20 miles with one tower. Evolve’s 4G and 5G solutions, with massive MIMO, provide best-in-class spectrum utilization and the longest possible range.